"The Indian System"
is now available for purchase
on DVD
Until recently, historians have failed to uncover the truth behind the war of 1862 in Minnesota. In this movie, filmmaker Sheldon Wolfchild portrays his grandfather, Medicine Bottle. He tells a Dakota oral history of the 1862 war, the hangings of the Dakota 38 Plus 2, and the removal of the Dakota from Minnesota. During the 1850’s and throughout history, treaties were forced upon the Dakota people. Noted Minnesotans such as Henry H. Sibley and Alexander Ramsey manipulated the Dakota people to cheat them out of their supposed benefits, and ultimately their land.
After the Dakota were removed to their reservation, corrupt agents and Indian department superintendents embezzled as much Dakota treaty money as they could. In the production of this movie the filmmaker interviews historians and authors Dr. David Nichols and Mark Diedrich to artfully weave this story together. Sheldon Wolfchild is a member and former Tribal Chairman of the Lower Sioux Indian Tribe who has appeared in a number of feature films and television shows.
The Doctrine of Discovery
Unmasking The Domination Code
You can also send check or money order to: 38 Plus 2 Productions 40163 Reservation Hwy 3, Morton MN, 56270
* If interested in bulk rate or having producers conduct a public showing please contact*
* If interested in bulk rate or having producers conduct a public showing please contact*
The Doctrine of Discovery, Unmasking The Domination Code
This powerful and landmark documentary “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking The Domination Code” is a result of the collaborative efforts by Dakota filmmaker and Director Sheldon Wolfchild and Co-Producer Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape). The film, based on Newcomb’s thirty years of research, and his book Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery (Fulcrum, 2008), brings to the big screen an amazing and little known story:
The first Christian people to locate lands inhabited by non-Christians (“infidels, heathens, and savages”) claimed the right to assert a right of domination to be in themselves. On the basis of this religiously premised argument, the U.S. Supreme Court has defined the land title of the Indian nations as a “mere right of occupancy” subject to a right of domination on the part of the United States. The first “Christian people” that claimed “ultimate dominion,” said the Supreme Court, could grant away the soil while yet it was still in the possession of the “natives, who were heathens.”
Birgil Kills Straight, a Headman of the Oglala Lakota Nation, provides insight into the traditional wisdom and teachings of the Seven Laws of the Oglala Lakota. The documentary points out that the traditional teachings of original nations and peoples form an alternative to the dehumanizing domination system of Christendom.
Theologian Luis Rivera-Pagán, who is interviewed in the film, points out in his book A Violent Evangelism: The Religious and Political Conquest of the Americas (1992), that an accurate history must account for the theological and religious justifications for claims of domination over the original nations and peoples. Rivera-Pagán talks about the devastating effects of “the absolute devaluation of one’s being,” or, in other words, dehumanization.
The film calls upon the Holy See at the Vatican to revoke the papal decrees that set into motion the domination system, and points out that the values and teachings of original nations are a sacred path for all Life.
The Indian System (promo)
Spiritwater People | Mdewankanton Dakota of Minnesota in the Beginning
is in post production and will be coming soon.